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Checked by OPHTAZON

Possible installation on quotation

Kowa KT-800 airpuff tonometer **very good condition** 2014

Buy now 1 200 €

ref : 9627
Year of mfg. : 2014
Country : France
Latest check up : 2024

Possible installation on quotation


Used equipment inspected by our experts
Fully functional
Cosmetic condition: very good
Kowa reliability and precision

Technical description

Precise, easy-to-use non-contact tonometer.
Designed with patient comfort and operator functionality in mind.
Automatic alignment
Quickly and comfortably detects and measures the patient's eye.
Adjustable chin strap
Incredibly "soft" gentle airflow.
Pressure measurement: 1 to 60mmHg
Transfer to your electronic medical record.

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