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Possible installation on quotation

Nidek OT-3030 ophthalmic unit **left-hand table**

Buy now 2 000 €

ref : 9584
Country : France
Latest check up : 2024

Possible installation on quotation


Used equipment inspected by our experts
Fully functional
Cosmetic condition: good
Nidek reliability and precision

Accessories : Light bracket , patient seat , projector bracket .
Tray movement: Manual
Tray up/down: yes
Patient seat : Autonomous , controlled by the unit .

Remarks : Splinter on tray (under LAF plate)
Height to top of tray: 0.90 m
Gallows height: 2.60 m
If up and down, above the plate: Min. height 0.80 m
Maximum height 0.90 m
Diameter: 1.2 TREFLE

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