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Volk QuadrAspheric lens with flange **new equipment**
Volk Optical

Buy now 910 €

ref : 9578
Year of mfg. : 2024
Country : France

Free delivery in metropolitan France


New equipment

Technical description

Ideal for pan-retinal examination and laser treatment in small pupils

The QuadrAspheric lens is the ultimate solution for wide-field visualization down to the peripheral retina for the diagnosis and treatment of peripheral retinal defects. Its unique design enables wide-field visualization even through small pupils, making it crucial for the assessment and treatment of high-risk patients, such as those prone to angle closure and iris neovascularization, where dilation must be avoided. The possibility of using small pupils is particularly advantageous for geriatric populations whose pupil response to dilation is limited. Featuring a wide flange, the QuadrAspheric lens offers unrivalled stability and control during laser procedures.

120° / 144° field of view
Image magnification 0.51x
Laser spot magnification 1.97x
Available in flanged, flangeless and ANF+ contact options.
Wide-field vision of the retina and possibility of using small pupils
Ideal for detecting and treating middle and peripheral retinal anomalies

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