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3D-OCT Maestro Topcon **checked and in good working order**

Buy now 9 900 000 CFA

ref : 9562
Year of mfg. : 2014
Country : Côte d'Ivoire
Latest check up : 2024

We sell only in Africa

Free delivery Abidjan

Possible installation on quotation


Used equipment inspected by our experts
Fully functional
Cosmetic condition: very good
Topcon reliability and precision

OCT + fundus photo
Supplied with table and PC + printer

Technical description

The Topcon 3D OCT-1 Maestro system combines a high-profile, non-mydriatic color retinal camera with the latest spectral-domain OCT technology. The rotating touch screen and fully automated operation (alignment, focus and capture) make the 3D OCT-1 Maestro system the diagnostic alternative for even the most minute clinical practices, according to a company press release.

The rotating touchscreen and fully automated operation (alignment, focusing and capture) make Topcon's 3D OCT-1 Maestro the ideal diagnostic alternative for even the smallest clinical practices. PinPoint registration indicates the correct positioning of the OCT image within the fundus image. A 12 mm x 9 mm scan combined with automatic segmentation provides measurements and topographic maps of the optic nerve and macula with a reference database in a single scan.

The Topcon 3D OCT-1 Maestro provides ophthalmologists with an advanced automated optical coherence tomography system and fundus camera for the evaluation of optical pathologies. The color fundus camera provides high-resolution 2D and 3D images, while the spectral-domain OCT delivers 50,000 A-scans per second.

The Topcon 3D OCT-1 Maestro also features a wide range of utilities for fundus images, including mosaic, stereo, individual instruction, dimension and more. With automatic disk segmentation and automatic centering capabilities, as well as automatic layer segmentation analysis, this OCT enables precise diagnostics and comprehensive interactive reporting. The tool is compact and fully networkable for seamless integration into any large ophthalmology practice.

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