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Possible installation on quotation

EasyScan i-optics / non-mydriatic retinograph **2016**

Buy now 3 000 €

ref : 9537
Year of mfg. : 2016
Country : France
Latest check up : 2024

Possible installation on quotation


Used equipment inspected by our experts
Fully functional
Cosmetic condition: very good
Reliability and photo quality.
Very easy to use

Technical description

Advanced, high-contrast SLO technology at a price everyone can afford.
High-contrast imaging, observation down to the roughest bifurcation (vision from 10µ).
Real-time view of the retina, enhanced peripheral view, automatic iris detection.
-Autofocus, automatic capture, auto exposure.
-Capture style: Green (532 nm) and near IR (785 nm) for three imaging methods.
-Easy to use: Joystick navigation and intuitive user software.
-EasyConnect for effortless sharing, archiving and reporting.
-Compact and portable, EasyScan fits into any office, anywhere.
Award-winning design

I-Optics EasyScan includes :
- Camera
- Lockable case + key
- Dell Inspiron laptop
- Retinal imaging software
- Power cords for camera and computer
- USB cable

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