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Volk Super VitreoFundus® lens - NEW
Volk Optical

Buy now 542 €

ref : 10542
Year of mfg. : 2025
Country : France

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Technical description

Wide-field imaging of the retina with a field of view beyond the vortex. As the Super vitereofundus has a shorter working distance of 4-5 mm, the lens must be held closer to the eye in order to appreciate the full field of view to fill the lens ring. Given the wide field of view, this lens is an excellent choice for examining the peripheral retina for tears and detachments. This lens is also suitable for examining pupils of 3-4 mm and larger, enabling rapid, non-dilated examination of the retina in most cases.

Field of view: 103° / 124°.
Image magnification: 0.57x
Laser spot magnification: 1.75x
Working distance: 4-5 mm

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